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Visualizzazione post con etichetta A&D. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 13 settembre 2016

A gentleman is … un gentiluomo e' …

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally
un gentiluomo e' uno che non ferisce mai i sentimenti di qualcuno senza averne l'intenzione 

Oscar Wilde
Special thanks to Bluette

Skin: DS'ELLES - Lucia Porcelain applier Omega
Hair: Lamb - Go easy Black @The Arcade Gacha Event
Makeup: alaskametro - onfleek brows and makeup @Whore Couture
Nails: {ZOZ} - Bad Girl Polish @Whore Couture
Piercing: ^^Swallow^^ -Corazon Silver and Black Septunning @The Arcade Gacha Event
Skirt: A&D Skirt - Selene @Miles of Memories (round ends September 23th)
Top: alaskametro - Zodiac cropTop gacha @anyBODY
Socks: CNZ - Milady @Designer Circle Rd138 (round ends September 17)
Shoes: MOoH! - Tip Toe sneakers glitter @Designer Circle Rd138 (round ends September 17)
Pose: BAXE - BFF our Heart2 @Miles of Memories (round ends September 23th)
Mesh Head Akeruka Aurora 1.3
Mesh body Maitreya Lara