
venerdì 21 agosto 2015

Hope, but …





Marea indossa:
Hair: pr!tty - Dakota - GROUP GIFT
Skin: .::WoW Skins::. - Kreem Bronze @Designer CircleRd111 (round ends August 22)
Eyeshadow: ::SG:: SlackGirl - Margot @Black Tie (starts August 20th)
Lips: SG:: SlackGirl - SoftLips /W Beauty Mark for Lelutka and standard head (also for Altamura, EVE, The Shop) @SWANK EVENT
Nails: -{ZOZ}- - Natural Rose Black  @Cosmopolitan (Aug 16th - 28th)
Dress: Graffitiwear - Tea Bohemia @Designer CircleRd111 (round ends August 22)
Shoes: VG Shoes - Greed Undecided for coffee @Designer CircleRd111 (round ends August 22)
Tattoo: :::Precious::: - S03-25
Objects*A* ALchemist - Relics ofLezard Gatcha @Festival of Sin II - Greed - Sponsored by Exposeur (starts 08/22)
Pose: (Photo #2) XXY -Summer Heat @FAD Fashion Event (round ends August 25)
Mesh Head: .LeLutka - STELLA
Mesh Body: Maitreya Lara

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